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Connect with the divine by making use of The Oracle, an art series that blends
AI-assisted art with ancient wisdom in the form of riddles.

These Artifacts invite you to ...
artwork of an ancient artifact with oracling properties
artwork of an ancient artifact with oracling properties

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The power of The Oracle

There was a period in time in which I had a series of dreams occuring to me regularly over the span of several weeks or maybe months.

In each of those dreams I visited these places around the world while meeting with ancient living artifacts in desolate and magical places. After collecting their essence it shook me wide awake while I carried with me this vivid imagery into our world.


These visions took me to long forgotten sites, such as beautiful temples in the middle of the jungle, ancient ruins filled with leftover magic somewhere deep in the mountains, or deeply buried tombs in the hot scorching desert.

In each of these sites, first I wandered for a while - filled with wonder - before suddenly stumbling onto these curious artifacts. In every place there was a special spot where I could feel some sort of ancient energy lingering around, I remember thinking that it was an awareness that would definitely have attracted any visitor setting foot in such a place if these really existed.

When I entered the area it was almost as if a silent voice was guiding my attention towards a certain construction in which a magical centerpiece was magnificently imbuing the space with matching vibes specifically conjured for that exact visitor.

I instinctively knew not to give in to the overwhelming awe of this unrealistic appearance to make sure not to be swung out of this semi lucid dreamstate. Each encounter with these entities had a similar rhythm, like specifically after consciously opening up my mind to allow a connection with these living relics they - for a lack of a better word - 'threw' an encrypted idea into my mind.

In this series of artworks I am sharing with you both the appearance and atmosphere of these relics, combined with a sliver of the wisdom they shared with me, in this cryptic form very similar to a riddle.

Curated for You

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